Credit Card Debt Calculator - Use this calculator to figure out how you can pay off a credit card balance--or multiple credit card balances. The calculator lets you estimate payoff for up to five credit card balances at the same time. See how long it will take you to pay off a credit card balance if you pay a certain amount per month. Or, if you want to be free of credit card debt ... Find Out More
Credit Card Interest Rate Comparison Calculator - Use this calculator to figure out how much you can save by getting a lower interest rate on your credit card. You can also see how much faster you can pay off a credit card balance with the lower interest rate. The calculator even takes into account whether or not you'll make new charges each month, and whether you'll use the credit card to make a major purchase.
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Credit Card Payoff Calculator - Use this calculator to see how long it will take you to pay off a credit card balance at the rate you are making monthly payments and charges, and see how much faster (or slower) you could pay off that balance by making larger (or smaller) monthly payments. The calculator also displays the total interest you will pay in each scenario.
You can also see what effect ... Find Out More
Low Rate vs. Annual Fee Credit Card Calculator - You've seen them advertised on television and in magazines: credit cards with very low interest rates, significantly lower than the average credit card's APR (annual percentage rate), yet that come with a seeming catch: a fixed annual fee. The annual fee ensures that the credit card issuer will make money even if you never use the card, or, worse (for them) use the card but pay the balance in ... Find Out More