Accelerated Mortgage Payoff Calculator - Use this calculator to find out how you can pay off a mortgage early, and how much paying off early will save. The calculator will tell you how much sooner you will pay off a mortgage by increasing your monthly payment. The calculator also tells you how much you'll save in interest. The total monthly payments are also calculated.
Use the calculator to examine different scenarios for ... Find Out More
Credit Card Debt Calculator - Use this calculator to figure out how you can pay off a credit card balance--or multiple credit card balances. The calculator lets you estimate payoff for up to five credit card balances at the same time. See how long it will take you to pay off a credit card balance if you pay a certain amount per month. Or, if you want to be free of credit card debt ... Find Out More
Credit Card Payoff Calculator - Use this calculator to see how long it will take you to pay off a credit card balance at the rate you are making monthly payments and charges, and see how much faster (or slower) you could pay off that balance by making larger (or smaller) monthly payments. The calculator also displays the total interest you will pay in each scenario.
You can also see what effect ... Find Out More
Debt Consolidation Calculator - Use this calculator to figure out how much time and money you can save by "consolidating" a credit card balance--or multiple credit card balances. Consolidation in this sense means that you repay the credit card debt with lower-interest debt, such as a home-equity loan or even a personal loan. The calculator lets you estimate time to payoff for up to five credit card balances. The calculator also lets you ... Find Out More
Mortgage Payoff Calculator - Mortgage Payoff Calculator
...coming soon ... Find Out More
Pay Down Debt or Invest Calculator - If you have some extra cash you may wonder if its better to invest the money or use it to pay off debt you already owe. This calculator compares the future the future value of an investment to the future impact of using the extra cash to pay down a current debt. Paying down a debt that has higher interest rate is generally preferable to making an investment that ... Find Out More
Reduce Spending Calculator - The cost of everyday items may seem minimal, but when you reduce your spending and invest the savings instead, you can significantly increase the amount you have available to spend in the future. This calculator computes how much you can save in a year by reducing spending in a number of areas. For example, you might reduce the amount you spend in a year on gas for car trips ... Find Out More