15 vs. 30 year Mortgage Comparison Calculator - Use this calculator to find out how much money you can save overall by choosing a 15-year mortgage over a 30-year mortgage. Or use the calculator to find out how much lower your monthly payment will be with a 30-year mortgage. You can also see how big of an effect mortgage amount (principal) and interest rate have on 15-year and 30-year mortgages. Monthly payment size, total interest paid, and ... Find Out More
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Accelerated Mortgage Payoff Calculator - Use this calculator to find out how you can pay off a mortgage early, and how much paying off early will save. The calculator will tell you how much sooner you will pay off a mortgage by increasing your monthly payment. The calculator also tells you how much you'll save in interest. The total monthly payments are also calculated.
Use the calculator to examine different scenarios for ... Find Out More
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Auto Loan vs. Home Equity Loan Calculator - Use this calculator to figure out whether an auto loan or home equity loan will be cheaper. Home equity loans have some of the lowest rates of any loan by far. But they also have high closing costs. Meanwhile, you may be able to get a low-rate auto loan, through a promotion or by virtue of your excellent credit rating. Then again, home equity loan interest ... Find Out More
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Balloon Mortgage Calculator - Use this calculator to find out what a balloon mortgage will really cost you. The calculator will tell you the total cost of the mortgage over its lifespan. Then see the size of the balloon payment. Total lifetime interest is also calculated.
Balloon mortgages offer a tradeoff between low initial payments and a possibly higher payment further down the road. The calculator ... Find Out More
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Bi-weekly Mortgage Calculator - Use this calculator to find out how much faster you could pay off a mortgage by dividing your monthly payments into two, paying every two weeks rather than every month. You'll also see how much money you'll save in interest by dividing your monthly mortgage payment in two. The total interest and total payments over the life of the mortgage are also calculated.
You can also use this ... Find Out More
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Interest Only Mortgage Calculator - Interest-only mortgages allow you to make only small monthly payments covering only the interest during the first year(s) of your mortgage. But since the principal never decreases during the interest-only period, interest-only mortgages can be surprisingly expensive in the long-run. Find out how much an interest-only mortgage will really cost, and how much you can save by shortening the interest-only term and making prepayments.
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Maximum Mortgage Calculator - Use this calculator to find out the maximum mortgage amount you can borrow at various interest rates. The calculator looks at the total cost of the mortgage and your ability to pay. It looks at your income and debt payments as well as the property tax and insurance, and the mortgage term you will choose. This method of comparing the size of the mortgage and other debts and costs ... Find Out More
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Mortgage Calculator - Use this calculator to find out how much a fixed-rate mortgage will cost. Also find out the monthly payment of the mortgage you are considering. In other words, the calculator helps you understand the amortization of a fixed-rate mortgage.
Use the calculator to evaluate different mortgage options. These options include monthly payment amount, interest rate, mortgage term (length of time to repay the mortgage), and prepayments. For ... Find Out More
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Mortgage Payoff Calculator - Mortgage Payoff Calculator
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Mortgage Qualifier Calculator - Use this calculator to find out what price house you can qualify for a mortgage for. The calculator will tell you the total cost of the mortgage over its lifespan, both in terms of the actual costs of the home, and the actual costs of buying a house, including tax and closing costs. The calculator lets you see the total monthly payments, and what proportion of ... Find Out More
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Mortgage Refinance Interest Savings Calculator - Use this calculator to see whether refinancing your mortgage will save you enough money to be worth it. You can plug in different values for the loan amount, interest rate, term, and closing costs. See how much each one will affect what you have to pay.
Get the bigger picture when you see your PITI. PITI stands for payments, interest, taxes, and insurance. These ... Find Out More
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Mortgage Tax Savings Calculator - Use this calculator to see how much of a tax deduction you will get from your mortgage interest. As you've probably heard, the interest you pay on a mortgage is tax-deductible. This tax deduction goes a long way toward making buying a house more affordable for many people. Of course, it's not 100% straightforward. The higher your income tax bracket--i.e., the more of your income you are paying in ... Find Out More
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Rent vs Buy Calculator - Use this calculator to find out whether renting housing or buying it will be cheaper. The calculator looks at the total cost of homeownership and your ability to pay. On the side of mortgages, it looks at property tax and insurance, mortgage interest tax deductions, home appreciation or depreciation, years of ownership, and the mortgage term you will choose. On the side of rent, it looks at rent increases ... Find Out More
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Required Income Mortgage Calculator - Use this calculator to find out what annual income you would need to qualify for a particular mortgage. The calculator looks at factors in the mortgage itself: the interest rate, the mortgage amount, and the mortgage term (how long the mortgage will last). It also looks at factors affecting your ability to pay: your indebtedness, property taxes, and insurance.
You can use the calculator to ... Find Out More
Auto Loan Calculator - Use this calculator to figure out how much an auto loan will cost you total over time, and each month. When buying a car, it always seems like you end up spending more than you thought you would originally. The calculator lets you see the true basic cost of buying a car. You see the purchase price plus how much loan interest and tax you will have ... Find Out More
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Equity Line of Credit Payment Calculator - Use this calculator to find out how much it will cost to draw on a home equity line of credit. You'll see 1) how much you will have to pay total; 2) how much the monthly payments will be; 3) how much interest you will be paying.
This home equity line of credit payment calculator is very valuable, for a few reasons:
1. Comparing the costs of different home ... Find Out More
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Interest Only Mortgage Calculator - Interest-only mortgages allow you to make only small monthly payments covering only the interest during the first year(s) of your mortgage. But since the principal never decreases during the interest-only period, interest-only mortgages can be surprisingly expensive in the long-run. Find out how much an interest-only mortgage will really cost, and how much you can save by shortening the interest-only term and making prepayments.
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Loan Comparison Calculator - Use this calculator to figure out exactly how much a loan will cost you. You can plug in different values for the loan amount, interest rate, term, and closing costs to see how much each one will affect what you have to pay. You can also figure out the effective APR of a loan, which makes it easier to compare a loan with forms of credit calculated ... Find Out More
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Mortgage Calculator - Use this calculator to find out how much a fixed-rate mortgage will cost. Also find out the monthly payment of the mortgage you are considering. In other words, the calculator helps you understand the amortization of a fixed-rate mortgage.
Use the calculator to evaluate different mortgage options. These options include monthly payment amount, interest rate, mortgage term (length of time to repay the mortgage), and prepayments. For ... Find Out More
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Payday Loan APR Calculator - Payday Loan APR Calculator
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Simple Loan Calculator - Use this calculator to find out how much a loan will actually cost you. There are lots of different kinds of loans, such as mortgages, home equity, student/educational, automobile, and "personal" loans for any purpose. While each of these loans has its own issues for you to consider, they all involve three basic components: loan amount, interest rate and term.
The higher the amount, interest rate, or ... Find Out More
Accelerated Mortgage Payoff Calculator - Use this calculator to find out how you can pay off a mortgage early, and how much paying off early will save. The calculator will tell you how much sooner you will pay off a mortgage by increasing your monthly payment. The calculator also tells you how much you'll save in interest. The total monthly payments are also calculated.
Use the calculator to examine different scenarios for ... Find Out More
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Credit Card Debt Calculator - Use this calculator to figure out how you can pay off a credit card balance--or multiple credit card balances. The calculator lets you estimate payoff for up to five credit card balances at the same time. See how long it will take you to pay off a credit card balance if you pay a certain amount per month. Or, if you want to be free of credit card debt ... Find Out More
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Credit Card Payoff Calculator - Use this calculator to see how long it will take you to pay off a credit card balance at the rate you are making monthly payments and charges, and see how much faster (or slower) you could pay off that balance by making larger (or smaller) monthly payments. The calculator also displays the total interest you will pay in each scenario.
You can also see what effect ... Find Out More
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Debt Consolidation Calculator - Use this calculator to figure out how much time and money you can save by "consolidating" a credit card balance--or multiple credit card balances. Consolidation in this sense means that you repay the credit card debt with lower-interest debt, such as a home-equity loan or even a personal loan. The calculator lets you estimate time to payoff for up to five credit card balances. The calculator also lets you ... Find Out More
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Mortgage Payoff Calculator - Mortgage Payoff Calculator
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Pay Down Debt or Invest Calculator - If you have some extra cash you may wonder if its better to invest the money or use it to pay off debt you already owe. This calculator compares the future the future value of an investment to the future impact of using the extra cash to pay down a current debt. Paying down a debt that has higher interest rate is generally preferable to making an investment that ... Find Out More
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Reduce Spending Calculator - The cost of everyday items may seem minimal, but when you reduce your spending and invest the savings instead, you can significantly increase the amount you have available to spend in the future. This calculator computes how much you can save in a year by reducing spending in a number of areas. For example, you might reduce the amount you spend in a year on gas for car trips ... Find Out More
Auto Loan Calculator - Use this calculator to figure out how much an auto loan will cost you total over time, and each month. When buying a car, it always seems like you end up spending more than you thought you would originally. The calculator lets you see the true basic cost of buying a car. You see the purchase price plus how much loan interest and tax you will have ... Find Out More
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Auto Loan vs. Home Equity Loan Calculator - Use this calculator to figure out whether an auto loan or home equity loan will be cheaper. Home equity loans have some of the lowest rates of any loan by far. But they also have high closing costs. Meanwhile, you may be able to get a low-rate auto loan, through a promotion or by virtue of your excellent credit rating. Then again, home equity loan interest ... Find Out More
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Auto Rebate vs. Low Interest Financing Calculator - Use this calculator to figure out whether a low promotional rate on an auto loan or a rebate will save you more money. Car manufacturers and dealers often try to drum up business by offering these kinds of promotions. Unfortunately, the simple choice between rebate and low interest can mask a host of smaller cost factors.
For instance, since a rebate cuts down on the size of the ... Find Out More
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Lease vs Buy Auto Calculator - Use this calculator to find out how much buying a car and leasing a car will actually cost, and which is truly the better value. You can compare both the cost of monthly payments, and the total cost. Leasing vs. buying can be a complicated financial decision because of all the little cost factors. The calculator takes account of most of those factors for you. Such factors include: the ... Find Out More
Credit Card Debt Calculator - Use this calculator to figure out how you can pay off a credit card balance--or multiple credit card balances. The calculator lets you estimate payoff for up to five credit card balances at the same time. See how long it will take you to pay off a credit card balance if you pay a certain amount per month. Or, if you want to be free of credit card debt ... Find Out More
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Credit Card Interest Rate Comparison Calculator - Use this calculator to figure out how much you can save by getting a lower interest rate on your credit card. You can also see how much faster you can pay off a credit card balance with the lower interest rate. The calculator even takes into account whether or not you'll make new charges each month, and whether you'll use the credit card to make a major purchase.
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Credit Card Payoff Calculator - Use this calculator to see how long it will take you to pay off a credit card balance at the rate you are making monthly payments and charges, and see how much faster (or slower) you could pay off that balance by making larger (or smaller) monthly payments. The calculator also displays the total interest you will pay in each scenario.
You can also see what effect ... Find Out More
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Low Rate vs. Annual Fee Credit Card Calculator - You've seen them advertised on television and in magazines: credit cards with very low interest rates, significantly lower than the average credit card's APR (annual percentage rate), yet that come with a seeming catch: a fixed annual fee. The annual fee ensures that the credit card issuer will make money even if you never use the card, or, worse (for them) use the card but pay the balance in ... Find Out More
Effective Tax Rate Calculator - Use this calculator to find out your effective tax rate for your US federal personal income tax. Also find out your marginal tax rate. (The concepts of effective tax rate and marginal tax rate are explained later.) The calculator will also show you clearly and simply how much tax you have to pay. See what percentage of your income goes to tax.
The primary practical value of the ... Find Out More
A Tale of Two 401ks Calculator - This calculator lets you explore four basic strategies to help you enhance the growth of your 401k. Each strategy on its own can make a significant impact, but combining all four has even a greater impact: (1) Increase your annual contribution: you should contribute as much as possible in each of your working years; (2) Start contributing early in life: contributing early in you career, even if you start ... Find Out More
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Become a Millionaire Calculator - Becoming a millionaire seems like an unattainable goal to most of us. But if you set financial goals, start investing early, apply sound investment and portfolio principles and let time and compounding do their work, it may not be as difficult as it sounds. Since we all know that a million dollars today will not be worth the same as a million dollars tomorrow, there are two sets of ... Find Out More
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Cost of Investing Delay Calculator - Procrastination ranks high on the list of reasons why people do not achieve their financial goals. Whether through lack of information, fear of making a wrong decision, or waiting for the time to be right, procrastination wastes valuable time in which your money could be working to achieve financial success. In short, procrastination costs. Every year of delay dramatically reduces the size of your retirement savings, or makes your ... Find Out More
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Diversification and Bear Markets Calculator - This calculator illustrates the importance of being diversified during bear markets. It compares the performance of a 100% stock portfolio to a diversified portfolio allocated between stocks, bonds and cash during any of the seven bear markets between 1968 and 2002. Allocating your investments among the three main asset classes - stocks, bonds and cash - is an effective way to deal with market risk. Trying to predict which ... Find Out More
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Diversification and Bull Markets Calculator - Allocating your investments among the three main asset classes - stocks, bonds and cash - is an effective way to deal with market risk. Trying to predict which asset class will be the best performer each year is difficult because each class responds differently to changes in the economy or investment market place. When the market in one asset class is declining, its likely that another class is on ... Find Out More
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Effect of Inflation on Income Calculator - Inflation eats into and erodes our purchasing power on a continuing basis. The cost of living keeps going up so that we need more money each year just to stay even. An important factor in retirement planning is to determine how much income you will need to maintain a comfortable, secure lifestyle during your retirement years. Since inflation and the cost of living goes up each year, it is ... Find Out More
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Future Value Investment Calculator - This calculator lets you make a side-by-side comparison of three different future value scenarios. Use this calculator to project the future value of your investments or retirement accounts. You can enter the existing value of an investment along with ongoing regular deposits, whether they are made monthly or annually. These periodic deposits can be increased each year to reflect inflation. ... Find Out More
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Higher Return Investment Calculator - A 1% or 2% difference between two rates of return may seem insignificant at first glance. The reality is that this difference can have a major impact on the final value of your investment or retirement fund, especially over the long term. Keeping your money in a "no risk" investment may keep your money safe, but it may increase the risk of not having enough money to meet your ... Find Out More
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Insure Your Earnings Power Calculator - Most of us make sure that our homes, cars and belongings are insured and that our loved ones are protected with life insurance. But one of your most valuable assets, the ability to earn income, adequately insured?
Disability insurance offers you protection against the possibility that you may not be able to meet your financial obligations due to accident or illness. Without disability insurance, you may have to ... Find Out More
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MER vs Investment Returns Calculator - This calculator compares the effect of the management expense ratio (MER) on the investment performance of two hypothetical mutual funds. The MER is charged by a fund company before any returns are paid-out to the investors. The MER includes the portfolio manager's compensation and other expensed associated with running the fund.
The fees vary by fund company and fund type, withe the lowest fees generally charged by money market and ... Find Out More
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Pay Down Debt or Invest Calculator - If you have some extra cash you may wonder if its better to invest the money or use it to pay off debt you already owe. This calculator compares the future the future value of an investment to the future impact of using the extra cash to pay down a current debt. Paying down a debt that has higher interest rate is generally preferable to making an investment that ... Find Out More
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Pay Yourself First Calculator - This calculator will show you the incredible amount you will earn over your lifetime and the dramatic impact of setting aside a percentage of those earnings in a tax deferred retirement account. Most people have trouble setting aside money at the end of each month to invest, because daily living expenses often consume most of their paychecks. Paying yourself first - before all other expenses such as housing, food, ... Find Out More
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Real Rates of Return Calculator - Building real growth into retirement savings requires paying attention to inflation, taxes and their effect on the rate of return earned by those savings. A fully taxable investment with a stated return of 5% really only earns 3% if inflation is running at 2% per year. If you are in the 30% tax income bracket, this return will be further reduced by another 1.5%, leaving you a real, after-tax ... Find Out More
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Reduce Spending Calculator - The cost of everyday items may seem minimal, but when you reduce your spending and invest the savings instead, you can significantly increase the amount you have available to spend in the future. This calculator computes how much you can save in a year by reducing spending in a number of areas. For example, you might reduce the amount you spend in a year on gas for car trips ... Find Out More
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Savings to Reach Goal Calculator - In order to accumulate wealth, it is important to develop an effective long-term strategy. Investing regularly can build your savings dramatically over time. Use this calculator to compute how much you will need to invest each year starting today in order to reach your investment goals. The amount you need to invest to reach your goal will depend on the size of the goal, the number of years you ... Find Out More
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Stay Invested Calculator - Even professional money managers who devote all their time and resources to studying markets will often miss market ups and downs. Individual investors who try to pick the best time to be in or out of the market are usually less successful than the professionals. By adopting a long-term buy and hold strategy, individual investors can avoid one of the major risks of market timing: missing the market's best ... Find Out More
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Stocks vs Bonds vs Cash Investment Calculator - This calculator lets you compare the growth of the three major asset classes - stock, bonds and cash - using historical rates of return between 1934 and 2004. Stocks Represent ownership in a company. While stick returns generally fluctuate more than bonds or cash, they historically have provided the most potential for growth over the long-run. Bonds are loans or debt to a corporation of the government. They usually ... Find Out More
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Tax Sheltered Growth Calculator - Tax-sheltered investments and retirement plans such as 401(k)'s and IRA's provide significant advantage over equivalent unsheltered investments. The income you earn inside a tax sheltered investment compounds tax-free over time. However, income from unsheltered investments is taxed at your marginal tax rate (the rate at which your last dollar of income is taxed). The result is that a tax-sheltered investment will grow significantly faster than a comparable unsheltered investment. ... Find Out More
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Triangle of Wealth Calculator - Achieving your goals such as financial independence or early retirement involves tradeoffs between three components of the Triangle of Wealth: (1) Financial Goal; (2) Time to Reach the Goal and (3) Rate of Expected Return. For example, the larger your Financial Goal the more you will need to invest. If you want to reach your Financial Goal earlier, you may need to invest even more each year. Use this ... Find Out More
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Will the Money Last Calculator - Use this calculator to find out how long your money will last if you make regular, annual withdrawals. Compare tow scenarios side-by-side by changing the key variables. The higher the rate of return on your investments, the longer your money will last. The lower your annual income need, the longer your money will last. If you you increase the amount withdrawn each year to reflect inflation, the money will ... Find Out More